Hi, I’ve recently posted a question about blender crashing when trying to play my animation in the game engine. Well I’ve waited some minutes and it worked. (it was a matter of patience).
The question is that when I save the runtime to make my exe file it seems to crash too so I don’t know if I have to wait for it to load whatever it needs. But I’ve seen other games in blender (and I’ve made some basic ones on my own) and it doesn’t take minutes to load. My model has quite a lot of points and some bones but I don’t think is so big as it is only a human face. Any help please? Many thanks.
Hi again. I’ve waited some time and the .exe oppened correctly. But the thing is it took about 8 minutes to open. The file uses almost all my CPU and it starts with about 30 MB of RAM memory and it increases to about 70 MB when it ends oppening the file. I don’t know how much time does it take to open a .exe file in Blender and load the textures but, Is that ok? if not, what can I change to make the file open more quickly? Any ideas would be wellcomed. Many thanks.