Question about Lip synching to audio Files.

I hope this is the right forum.
Anyway, Im trying to find info on useing the built in script for converting sound files to phonemes for lip synching. Iv’e browsed the forums but everything i keep finding is 4 or more years old and talking about way old versions of blender.
Where can I download a program to convert the audio files?
Where can I find a tutorial on using this script.
and any tips on using lip-synching well.
I already know how to set up the vertex keys, and how to model a pretty good face all I need is the right program to convert the audio.
I am currently using blender 2.42, on a Windows-XP machine and plan to upgrade to 2.43 as soon as the official release comes out.

I just found AndyD’s Noob to pro, lipsynching tutorial in the Wiki, and I think I’ve been going about this wrong. but I would like to know if anyone has a video tut, or a downloadable text tut as I currently do not have internet access at my home. and would like to be able to work on this without having to go to the library every time I get stuck.

The creator of the script (I’m assuming you’re talking about blender lip synchro) has a blog with some info and a (very) brief tutorial. You can view it here.

There’s also an example file you can download here

You’ll need a program like papagayo or jlipsync. I use Papagayo.
A couple of notes that I didn’t find but could be useful:

-You need to export voice from papagayo. This will create a *.dat file, which is essentially a text file of the breakdown of your sound file. If you try to load the file that you save, with save as, it will crash the script.

-In Blender, you need to have your model selected and your shape keys need to have ipo keys.

-When you start the script, you should be presented with the choice of two buttons, papagyo or jlipsync. So, choose papagayo if that’s what you’re using to break down the phoneme’s and that’s where you load the .dat file you exported before.

-Match up your shape keys with the phonemes.

-Hit Import text.

-If everything went alright, it should say operation completed.

Play back and enjoy.

Hope that helps
