Question about mirror feature

Hi, this seems dumb, but I can’t figure it out…I’m trying to copy the selected faces of the fin into two more fins spaced equally around the rocket. Which is the best method, since the fin isn’t an object? And can I use the rocket center as an axis, or do I need to move the world axis there?

I’d switch to 3d cursor as the pivot point, set the 3d cursor to the center of the rocket, SHIFT D to duplicate the fin, then rotate on the Z Axis until it’s where you want it.

Seems best, since that’s (I assume) what you want to rotate the fin around.


The Spin tool is also quite appropriate.
Use the 3d cursor as center.


Thank you. I tried that, but when I Duplicate, the new fin just wants to move wherever my cursor moves. I don’t know how to constrain it to rotation only.

Wow, I can’t believe you replicated that! I tried using Spin, but couldn’t get it to work. For some reason, it wants to move the fin in an arc opposite the direction that would wrap around the rocket, even though it shows the center point and arc tabs in the correct orientation. I can’t attach the file, because I’m new. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Very much appreciate the help!

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That’s weird. Does it go to the cursor when you first duplicate it, or when you try to rotate it?
Hitting R should constrain it to rotation only.

If you want to share the file, you can upload it to a file sharing site and share the link.

Wow, thank you! Here’s the link. I managed to make it rotate appropriately after setting the 3D cursor to the rocket origin, but the placement is still a little bit skewed.

It may help if you switch transform orientations from NORMAL to GLOBAL. I would also put a keyframe on the rocket to preserve it’s current transforms (If you want to keep those) and then set another frame somewhere else on the time line with cleared rotation so you have a straight up and down rocket to work with. I find that easier. Both keyframes can be deleted later.

Your rocket has 8 sides, which would make it hard to set them equally spaced and have them flat to the faces like your first is. This is with the fins on the flats:

This one has one fin adjusted to be on the point, 2 on the flats, not quite equally spaced:

Fins equally spaced (I couldn’t quite get them to connect smoothly to the rest of the rocket, but you may be able to with a little more time put in)

And here’s the file, if you want to take a look at the settings I used, or some such.
planetTESTS.blend (1.4 MB) Thank you so much for taking the time to make these! I will follow your advice and do some more tinkering. If you ever need to borrow my lawnmower, just ask. You saved me a lot of frustration here…

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There is also a way to use Array Modifier.

This is the usual behaviour; you can place it interactively or hit Enter, Esc(ape) or click the RMB to copy/duplicate “in place” and move it “later”. When done interactively you also can edit the values in the Adjust Last Operation menu.

Thank you!

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