Question about movements/actions.

Can individual limb movements be achieved with Blender?

How can I control a character’s walk-cycle with two keys? Like say I want the left leg to only move when I press the W key, and the right leg to only move when I press the Up Arrow. To make the character walk you’d have to alternate between the two: W(left), Up(right), W(left), Up(right), etc.

If this is confusing, I’ll explain it more thoroughly.

I guess you’d have to use python

so whenever the armature or object was in whatever position, its animation and movement would stop and then wait on the other leg’s key to be pressed so that it’s animation and movement can start

but I’m not too familiar with logic bricks, are you using Crystal Space, or default GE?

I think that this could be achieved with your mesh being parented to multiple armatures (if this is possiblem I’ve never tried it…).

Couldn’t you make two actions?