Question about UV mapping

I am fairly new to blender and might have done something bad. I recently made my first face. It is not a whole head or anything, just like top of forhead to chin. Anyway, I wanted to see what it would look like with a UV mapping. When I select UV face select, it wants to map the image to the inside (back) of my face and wont let me map the front or outside. I think somewhere along the line while using planes to start my face I was using the back of the plane for the front of my face, if that makes any sence to anyone. Is there anyway to fix this?


Try pressing CTRL+N in Edit Mode to make sure all your face normals are facing out. Other than that, if it looks like the image is on the wrong side in “Textured View”, it will render properly. So don’t worry too much about that.


Try recalculating the normals, CTRL+N


Thanks, recalculating the normals worked.