[Question]asymmetric view frustum in blender

Hello everyone:

Anybody has experience on ‘asymmetric view frustum’ using blender 2.49/2.5x?
I would like to know how to create asymmetric frustum in blender…
in Python?
in OpenGL?(glFrustum)?how to use is function?

as I know, like in OpenSceneGraph
it uses:


Is there similar function in Blender?

Thanks so much

I am curious what for you´d need that? Stereo3D?

yes, stereoscopic3D display with tracking system

anybody knows that?

Blender has a buildin function for that.
I always use shift-x and shift-y of the camera for stereo3D.

thanks arexma, but i would like to create asymmetric frustum… i could not find such build-in function for that…

with the camera lens shift parameters you actually get an asymmetric frustum…

In order to create stereo3D, you use 2 camera? one for each eye?

I think that it only a frustum adjustment, not a real asymmetric frustum…

The shift creates an asymmetric frustum.

And yes. I use a camera pair 0.065 BU apart in a parallel setup parented to a maincam for animation.
I find a toe-in setup cumbersome and when filming real 3D footage we use parallel as well.
I use this to start out, 1 BU == 1 meter. Average European eye seperation: 6.5cm

The rest is math, with 6.5cm seperation you should not have objects closer than 30*seperation ~2meter else you get divergency.
So use FOV rather than moving the cam too close.
I started working on a rig that can adjust the zero paralax plane during the animation and re-calculates the rest of the parameters, just haven´t got any time to continue ^^
Depending on where your zero paralax is, you got to calculate the lens shift for the assymetrical frustum.
Do not cut 3D objects with the frustum, they will not be perceived correctly, the brain can´t make anything useful.
And you get the best 3D effects if you got reference objects far in the background overlapping with the “action zone”

If you just need the cam for a still or are not doing lots of fancy stuff check out:

He supplys a nice skript to setup a stereo cam pair.

Here´s a video on a stereocam setup:

And here´s the file for the sony tutorial:

The drivers need some tweaking though to fit the latest blender version.

Thanks you sosososo much arexma…i will follow your suggestion…If i have question, i will contact you soon…