Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have a new forum for posts to discuss new releases and builds with new features to come.
Artists could try out the builds and post there findings for the developers to read.
Like there are now threads like “release candidate 2” / “the scultpmode thread…” / “the new particle system” …
Right now these things are posted in the news & discussion forum…
To hold back people posting to much this could be administrator controlled , so they are the only people to move threads to this new forum…
Please share your feedback about this idea.:eyebrowlift2:
hmm, not necessarily bad idea. as more and more people seem to bee starting to use cvs versions of blender…
there is the developer forums though, with a section just for this:
thing is, it really is a developer forum, not that much for just discussion… so i am not sure how happy they would be getting lot of people posting their ideas, suggestions, and questions…
if we would have a section for this kind of thing though, it would be i think more for discussion, and not straight channel to talk to developers.
so this idea is worth of investigating…
Thanks Basse.
Indeed, not a straight channel to talk to developers, but I think they also look at the artists forums too. I believe it helped Nicolas Bischop a lot by having artists supporting him with questions, testing, and discussing the sculptmode… and also giving the great moral support!
This kind of forum would be some kind of link between the development of new things and the artists. I must admit, I have never really looked into the developer forums, but each time I notice a ‘cvs’ thread over here, I’m fascinated of what the future will bring.
I think this is a very good idea. If we name the new forum topic “Testing Builds” we can provide the creative POV to the builds posted at Blender.org. That forum isn’t geared towards answering user questions and that would be a nice place we could pick up the slack. The developers might find it insightful to see where users are having difficulty with new tools.
That does sound interesting. A builds forum would also allow for the more technical kinds of discussions that really don’t have a place here at the moment.