Question: Keeping a model constricted to another-

I’m trying to restrict the strap on the sling swivel and subsequently keep the swivel from going through the mount below.

Is there a soul out there whom can give me a quick and dirty tutorial? Thank you for your time.

Not entirely sure what you want to do, but it could just be as simple as a Parent. Select the swivel, then select the strap. Press CTRL+P and select “Object”. Now the swivel will follow the movement of the strap. Then repeat the process for the mount to the swivel.

I want the strap to act like a strap and stay constrained around the hexagon.

So to act like a strap, you also want it to be tight around the hexagon and fold when the hexagon swings?

That’s it, yes.

The section of the strap around the hexagon shouldn’t move too much, so add that section of the strap to a new vertex group. Parent the strap to the swivel, as mentioned earlier, and then add a cloth sim to the strap. Use the vertex group as a pin group so that that part of the strap doesn’t move. You now have a cloth strap which follows the hexagon.

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If this is going to be rigged and animated, I would place a bone for every independently-moving piece there is. Depending on your animation needs, the strap can be deformed by a bendy bone, or by a cloth simulation. The ideal solution will come from context

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