
is there a way to make an object move toward another object without using track to? cause when i use track to,the object moves but start twisting and gets to a stand position it’s not supposed to. (i want a monster that walk with his feets not with his tail).please help! :slight_smile:

I am not sure I fully understand your question, But I have built an Armature structure which uses empties as the IK solvers for the Legs, I them made the Pelvis Bone copy the location of an empty. I made th Pelvis Empty copy the XY location of the Leg Empties. Now when I move the Leg IK empties, the Pelvis stays Centered over the feet.


no,that’s not armatures here.i’m talking about movement only.i want an object to move toward another object without using “track to” actuator.

The track to actuator points the Y axis to the object. Just make sure your monster’s Y axis points forward.

wiseman303:thanx man! that solved the problem! :slight_smile:

Yeah, i ran into that problem a lot with my following character AI. It’s really anoying to have to rotate the axis!

he he! true Pooba! :slight_smile:

by the way Pooba,i fixed a little the walk cicle of flash ninja,just a little,maybe now he doesn’t walk funny! he he! :smiley: