So my idea here is that the green part is the ,say, wooden back of the chair, that holds the cushion in place.
Now, i have one more sub division for the cushion than the chair and as you can see, the verts arent lining up obviously.
How do i tackle it? My idea is that the inside of the back has space here where the cushion is basically tucked/pushed in snugly. So they should fit in mostly.
But how do i achieve that effect? And maybe line up the verts on both parts without doing a full subd on the back rest?
Hi there,
The topology looks OK to me.
If you are happy with the shape and have no shading errors, then it is fine I think
Now, as for the back part.
Have you tried simply copy, and extrude the cushion outer (back) rim? I would try to create a separate object, and scale it up a tad bit and extrude back/forth to create the wooden “shell”. I hope you see what I try to describe
It can work and you would have the same amount of vertices
Control this by using inset / s and Pin Groups
Here is a quick one with adding an x and y Loop Cut and then inset on the individual faces…all the vertices that made these edges became the pin group. I just added a cloth sim and inflated it with Pressure, and the edges remain controlled within the boundaries of the pin group.