questions during doing anim8or eggplant tut on blender

I’m doing the anim8or eggplant tut ( on blender. I’ve almost completed it by some means, but I think there are many operations that I have not grasped: :<
1.How to align the camera to the current perspective view?
2.How to move a face along the normal?
3.While building the “feet” of the base, is it possible to select the 5 outer faces on the base and extrude them at the same time?
4.When I extrude a face, there are often extra vertexes; sometimes it happens even when I enter the edit-mode twice. I’ve to Remove Doubles so frequently :frowning:
5.Is it a way to select a face which includes a vertex in Edit-mode, well, maybe a loop-select way? How to aligen the selected face parallel to the screen? How to place, say a pyramid, on the face?
Huuge, so many how to. :wink:

By adding a new one! THis automatically plave it orthogonal to current view…
I prefear to make camera track an empty & place the empty.

Not implemented yet, you can ALT-S to scale along
the normal and then scale it down with regular SKEY

Sure… haven’t tried? Select all vertices of the five faces and press EKEY

No, this does not happen, is it Blender 2.28 or
some strange variant? Are you sure you extrude correctly and not
more than needed?

Unclear question

Keep blending


thank you for quick answer, S68
I’ve some other questions.

However, Blender only adds a new camera on the cursor. We have to move it to fit the actual view. I will try to get used to track.

En, is it AKEY that selects all vertices of the five faces. Ok, I got the the mesh on the left ( )by extrude 5 faces seperately, which is good for eggplant tut, but not good for a mechanical component. I AKEY-EKEY-ed all vertices, and got the other mesh, which is not my aim. :frowning:
Well, I know what happened, but I’m not sure whether it is a bug:
add a cube. Select all vertices, do “Rem Doubles” to get “Removed: 0”
extrude a side-face, but do not finish it, just press Esc
select all vertices and do “Rem Doubles”. This time we will get “Removed: 4”

Q:Why do you cancel the extrude
A:Because I want to extrude a face along it’s normal by Ekey, Enter, Esc, Alt+S, which I learned from this forum :slight_smile:

So, why Esc doesn’t cancel the operation as I’ve expected and leave 4 extra vertices?

It’s possible to select elements at several level: vertex, edge, face… in 3ds max (labeled 1 on the image ). How can we select a face in Edit-mode in blender? I only know this one:selecet some vertices to define a face. If the mesh is too complex, the operation gets too difficult.

How to do the Normal Align in Blender just as

A key selects all the verts of the active object (or deselects if they’re selected) Works also for objects.

What you want to do is select only the verts of the faces you want to extrude.

  1. SHFT-RMB select the verts individually. When all the verts of a face (3 or 4) are selected the face will be selected too.
  2. in object mode hit ‘F’ to go into face mode (white). If the faces are defined with dotted lines they are selected. Hit ‘A’ to deselect them all (Tab to see) then SHFT-RMB to select the FACES. E to extrude.

When you hit E to extrude (a face) then 4 new verts and 5 new faces are created. If you then hit ESC they lie on the same plane as the original face. Esc doesn’t cancell the creation of the new verts, it cancelles the automatic G of the extrusion command.

5 will be in future releases. At the moment (in BF) RMB, SHFT-RMB and F are the tools.

Normal align someone else can answer.


Take a look overhere:

and don’t forget to remove doubles after executing the script :wink:

Thank you, all.