Quick and different test

Just for fun I decided to try and make something in blender that didn’t look like blender… and here is the result (100% blender)

What do you think? It kind of made me realize how useful blender could be for texturing…

Some render notes with filter

Yeah, it’s nothing special (just a test), it’s just that there’s almost no modeling:p

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Cool… whatever… how it was made?

A grey subdivided (fractal) plane (no material, even) animated, vector blur, and then some nodes.

It’s a bit too blurry.

Very cool. :cool: Does the rotation animate? Could be a killer special effect for vortexes, portals, etc. in sci-fi animations. :smiley:

vliegtuig: Enh… it all depends on the look you want.
Orinoco: True enough… I actually didn’t render an animation… that might be cool.