Quick Favourites Menu in manual

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I’m looking for instructions on usage and limitations of the Quick Favourites menu in the Blender Online Manual.

I’d expected to find it here:

Can someone provide a link to the right page?


Here is a video about them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-2O8Wks2XY
Or just right click on the desired function -> Add to quick Favorites
Key should Q opens them.

Cool @rigoletto, thanks.
Can you confirm that it’s missing form the manual and it’s not just me going crazy?
(If it is I’ll post a low-priority bug report for it.)

Yes, i can confirm i cannot find help for quick favorites in the blender 2.80 manual.
I guess there must somewhere a missing help thread for blender to check if it is already on the manual todo list, but i cant find.

Somebody have a link?

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Thanks again @rigoletto.
I might sit down, write some instructions and pass them on to the team to make it easier to update the manual!

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