Hey everyone, this may not fit exactally in this board, but it’s better than any of the other support boards, so I’’ give it a shot.
I’m trying to add a new script in Blender that will allow it to import/export a different file type, but I’m having trouble finding the scripts folder and subfolders on a Mac. I’ve done it on a windows with no problem, but I simply can’t find them on a mac, so I was wondering if anyone could point me as to where they are.
Unfortunately, the search invisibles doesn’t seem to find the .blender or scripts folder (in OS10.3.9).
Firstly, just try putting a scripts folder in your blender folder then open a scripts window in blender (re-start it first I assume) and see if the script appears. I think some scripts have to be activated to work.
There are other suggestions throughout these forums but none are straight forward.
Interestingly, you can navigate to the scripts folder from the Blender file browser because it shows everything, including dot files. You’ll find the scripts folder hidden in the:
Given this, I wonder if you could open a PY script in the Blender text editor then save it to the scripts folder. Having never messed with ython, I’m assuming they’re just text files with a .py extension.
I just did a quick test and this seems possible - but I’ll have to mess around some more to see if it actually worked (I tried with LampWidgets but it screws up the interface big time - but this might be a bug with the script, not with the installation method??)
If I understand your question correctly, you can make and put a scripts folder anywhere; I put it in the Blender application folder. In the Blender settings window, choose file paths and then select the folder. Then save the default settings.
Hey everyone, thanks for your help so far, however, I have not solved my problem quite yet.
See, the folder’s there, but it is invisible. I can’t find it using the search method, unfortunately.
Now, the reason I can’t simply put them in the Applications>Blender folder is because one of the scripts has to go in the bymodules subfolder, while the other two go in the main scripts folder. They all work together, so they need to be placed in the correct areas…
For any help it may give, I have OSX 10.4.9, if that may be why I can’t see it through the search options.
Try my other suggestion of opening the script in Blender (in a text editor window) and saving it to the necessary folder - which will be visible in the Blender file browser window.
I’m on a Mac. I think you’re making this seem 8 times harder than it really is.
The main scripts folder for Blender on a Mac is part of the Application Bundle. You’re better off just defining an additional scripts folder in the user preferences. I’ve done it that way and my scripts work just fine.
If you really want to be anal about it, and stick in the main scripts folder, just do this…
In the Finder under the “Go” menu, choose “Go to Folder…”
In the dialog box that pops up, just enter the path to the folder like this (mine is for 2.43)
This will open the main scripts folder. After it opens up, add your script.
I believe Andy’s idea up just saving the .py file from Blender would more than likely work as well.
Also - just go to the command line (Terminal.app) and rename the containing folder from “.blender” to just “blender” to make it visible. Then when you’re done copying the file to it, rename it back to “.blender”
Or - If you’re already in the Terminal.app, just use it to copy the file to the folder.
I’m sure there is about 20 other ways to do it as well.
Well, first things first. I followed your main folder suggestions and it worked very well. Thank you for that.
Secondly, about making it harder, perhaps I am. However, I already stated that there are four scripts that work together. They need to be placed in the appropriate folders to work. I thought that had been clear… Apparently not.
could anyone help me with mac preferences?I don’t know where to find on mac file with stadnard preferences… While I was working on some project I pressed ctrl+u and now when I start my blender I always have this project. How I can go back to normal preferences?where’s the file on mac?
thanks a lot
It’s a file named “.B.blend” in your home folder. So the path to the file would be…
or this will work too…
the problem is that the file starts with a period “.” which makes it invisible. So you’ll have to use a utility that shows invisible files or use the command line from the Terminal.app to delete the file.
Oops… Sorry Jayge. You’re right, I didn’t see that. Glad you got it working.
What you may want to do is have some of your Unix/Lynx buddies show you a few tricks on the command line using bash. Mac OS is cool and easy to use, but sometimes it’s better (even easier, dare I say) to just drop into the Terminal.app and do things from there.