Quicktime VR using Blender?

(I dont exactly know if this is in the wrong place, so mods feel free to move this thread.)
It was posted here a long time ago, and I cant seem to find it so I ask here, has there been a tutorial made on making QuicktimeVR’s using renders out of Blender? Or can someone tell me how its done?

it’s in there: http://cj.elysiun.com/


Ooookkay, I’ve tried, and I’ve tried, but I can’t get the bloody thing work. I’ve rendered the images, but GoCubic just won’t make the .mov file :<
I even figured out that there’s an error in the directions, the second setting for the camera is 90° for the RotX, not 180°…

ah, theeth to the rescue, thanx dude :slight_smile: