This project is based on a bike path that’s close to where I live. It’s really pretty around April when the spring flowers bloom.
I used Cycles to render this and I used assets from forestation and quixel megascans
I’d be be glad to hear your comments/criticisms about this.
The image overall seems a bit flat, not enough separation of the foreground from the background. I’ve done a slight edit.
I duplicated the layer (in Krita), used the Levels tool to increase the contrast, then masked off the top of the new layer with a gradient so the increased contrast only applied to the bottom half.
Hey, thanks for the critique! I think you’re right… the earlier renders were darker and I wasn’t too sure if it’ll look too shadowy on darker screens.
Do the buildings in the back flatten image a lot?
The general rule with aerial perspective is that the further away something is the lower the contrast. In your scene, in reality, those buildings would not be far enough away for that effect to be noticeable, but in a flat image it needs to be emphasized a bit more otherwise there is nothing to provide a sense of depth.
With the buildings at the back at least there are some perspective lines to provide a bit of depth. I don’t personally see those as a problem but I guess someone else might.
Thanks for the explanation! I’ll see if I can do something about this. For one, I wonder if moving the light on the back building a bit to the right will create some separation from the building in front of it
Worth trying, but there’s another consideration here. At the moment the tree, which I presume is the focal point, is nicely highlighted. If you create too much detail in the background it can actually be distracting and take away from the overall effect. However worth a go just to compare.
Agreed, I should be mindful of that!