You can see fresh evidence, there’s the Teipi(spelling) 101 tower and just afterward the Freedom tower, before that even starts there’s the burj Dubai, and when that just started there’s a 3000+ foot tower planned in Kuwait. And even so there are now secret plans for a mile high tower in Dubai partially thanks to an old design by Frank lloyd wright (which started the urge to build one).
So I guess the keyword here of what would come soon would be buildings like on the Star wars planet Coroscant (that all city planet with towers 5 miles high)
Wether the US wins the race depends mainly on the actions of the FAA
I’m guessing you’re meaning the tower of Babel, the reasons people build towers now is different from back then. But of course then there’s the hyper tall towers that were never built, I once heard of a miles high Japanese planned tower called Xseed which was never built.
building mile high tower…dunno but it just sounds lame to me. It sure is “cool”…but how in hell is it practical, except for the only reason it takes less space on the ground?? I can’t imagine a practical way of making all the employees leave the tower fast enough if there is a fire…they would need parachute or something…I mean c’mon.
Altho, the only one I actually like is the Dubai one. Because if I recall correctly, they’re building a whole city around the tower. Like building a new generation of cities. And it looked quite cool from what I saw…but again, it’s just fancyness
I don’t think they can do it, at least now. But, if they build several mile high towers, and connected them togeather, it would form a strong base, and would be harder to fall.