hello blender type people. i was making a racing game and i was wondering how i could do a system that shows what position the drivers are in. any help is apreciated as always.
Use a split-screen tutorial or a real-time mapping tutorial (try Here) and then have the camera facing down. This makes a map that can be parented to the camera in the right position.
i think Kendrick meant positions as in 1st / 2nd / 3rd ?
during my day job (programming), our system is based on vehicles and a waypoint type setup.
i used a method where you track which waypoint is next for each vehicle, and if 2 vehicles have the same waypoint you use the distance of each vehicle to said waypoint…
I do not know how fast this type of methodology could be applied to a blender based application though…
This was for mining operations though, not racing
saeblundr’s idea sounds correct. You could also give everyone a position variable that increases for the distance traveled between waypoints. Two vehicles shouldn’t ever have the same waypoint value. You could then put the racing cars in a single array and then sort them by the position value. That’s a more complex method to do than saeblundr’s idea.