Radiant textures not illuminating nearby faces

How do I make textures with a non-zero emit value illuminate nearby, non-textured faces? As you can see in the attached image, the part of the spindle shadowed by the collar should be illuminated by the green voronoi texture, but it isn’t. How do I fix this?


Simulate the glow with a few very short range shadowless omni lights. That should be decent for what you’re trying to do.

How do you mean, omni lights? The only options I get under Add>Lamp are Lamp, Sun, Spot, Hemi, and Area. I’m using v2.42a

He probably means just plain lamp aka omnidriectional.

How do I make textures with a non-zero emit value illuminate nearby, non-textured faces?

Use Radiosity. Turn on Radio for that Material in Links and Pipeline tab in F9 and in Render tab in F10.


emitting textures do not light up stuff, nor do they illuminate anthing; they only emit from themselves to the camera. to light something, like the spindle, you have to add a lamp.

Or use GI in yafray.