Radiosity question.

I really like radiosity. However, I always get this problem which I wanted to solve.

Today at school, I tested a radiosity render and got this same old weird result:

Notice on Suzzanne’s face and ears, there are these weird patches of “dirt”.

Anybody know what it is and how to overcome this problem?


Turn up the HEMIRES in the radiosity panel, it’ll raise the quality.

^.^! nevermind, I found a way to fix it :expressionless:


What do they do?

Just wondering, but what did you do to fix it?

From what I understand, hemires effects the radiosity quality. Usually I jack it up to max on final calculations.

According to the docs…

Hemires: - The hemicube resolution; the color-coded images used to find the Elements that are visible from a ‘shoot Patch’, and thus receive energy. Hemicubes are not stored, but are recalculated each time for every Patch that shoots energy. The ‘Hemires’ value determines the Radiosity quality and adds significantly to the solving time.

OK, that’s one heck of a definition of Hemires ^.^!

Anyhow I think it’s like what I did, but that’s like an automatic process?

Don’t know ,just guessing.

Right, how did I fix it?

Well, all I did was subdivided the radiosity generating plane (emitter) :smiley:

But I couldn’t differentiate between the two techniques to solve it. I did another render with increased Hemires and that took a bit longer to render, but the same amount of time it takes to render if I subdivided the radiosity generator plane.

Who knows maybe calculating a subdivided plane is faster than increased hemires :smiley: for the CPU.