Rafale - Need some hints about texturing

Hi everyone! My new project is the Dassault Rafale as i’ve played Ace Combat 7 recently! :slight_smile:
The modeling part is almost finished but i don’t know exaclty how to achieve to materials part as it is made of multiples plates…
Any advices would be great! Thanks!

The most accurate method ll be modeling the plates with this technique and then calculate a normal map from that… but it’s time consuming…


My preferred method is to start by UV Mapping very carefully and then exporting a template so I can use a paint program to paint just a bump map. The base layer is 50% grey, any panel lines are pure black. Keep the panel lines on a separate layer in whatever paint program you choose to use. If there are raised features (rivets, fasteners) they can be painted in white, if not then make the base white instead of 50% grey. Copy the black inset panel lines to a new layer and then blur them slightly (no more than 1.5 pixels, usually 0.5 to 1 pixels) so that you have the sharp lines and a blurred version as well. This adds a hint of a bevel to the appearance of the panel edges. If you need to increase that effect don’t blur the layer more, just duplicate the sharp lines again and blur the extra one a bit more, perhaps up to 2 pixels.

Once the bump map looks good on the model I use it as a guide layer to paint the textures. The black panel lines can be overlaid on top of the textures at a low opacity to help darken the panel lines a touch. They can also be used to guide the painting of subtle edge details like paint chips etc. It is helpful to keep those lines on a separate layer at all times so that you can revert back if you mess something up.


I was looking for a method that would be less time consuming… anyway thanks for the advices!

Whatever method you use will be time consuming if you want to do a good job of it. Since you have done an excellent job so far you probably want to continue doing the work to the same high standard. It isn’t as bad as you might think, drawing lines in a paint package is not too time consuming. Good texturing does take time though.

If you need some inspiration you might find this thread helpful: https://blenderartists.org/t/f4-phantom-wip/1306273

It really shows what you can do if you are willing to take time over the panel and texture details. Your model could look as good as his with care over the next stages.


Thanks everyone, I’ll keep moving forward.

I’m glad you’re continuing, that model looks really accurate so far. The Rafale is not an easy plane to model either, it has an unusually subtle set of curves that are quite different to anything else in aviation. To do so well in the early stages then give up would be a great shame. If you haven’t done this kind of panelling work before then it’s a chance to learn some new skills.

Good luck with the rest of your project, I do hope we will see it as you progress, whichever methods you use.

I’m a little busy for the moment with other projects (pro) but as soon as i got more spare time, be sure i’ll continue this project! I’ll post new screenshots when i’ve got something new to show!

With the new challenge from Pwnisher, Endless Engines, i decided to finish my Rafale and use it as main vehicule! Here’s my submission.

The submission is not exactly what i expect, but i lacked time to finish it all in my spare time…
I’ll do some other renders next week!