Rag Doll Idea

I’ve seen a block ragdoll demo using p2p contraints and characters modeled in seperate parts to avoid deformation. If the sepearte parts were parented to the blocks of the ragdoll, wouldn’t it create a fairly good ragdoll effect? Sorry no demo, I’m not so great at modeling so I couldn’t really show what I’m talking about. If someone gets what I’m suggesting and makes a demo that would be awesome.

The separate parts (limbs) are connected to the box using p2p constraint, not parenting. parenting has no physics meaning, p2p constraint does.

Can you describe your questions more in detail? Is the ragdoll demo not good? What exactly is your goal? Or do you just want to make it easier to setup the ragdoll?


I think he wants to draw a link between object parenting and p2p constraints.

erwin, I know everyting you said. My post was less of asking a question and more of making a suggestion.
I’m suggesting using the blocks as almost a psuedo-armature by parenting the seperate parts to them. The ragdoll demo is good, I was just making a suggestion on how to make it better graphically. Its not likely that you are going to need a blockman ragdoll in your game. My suggestion is just how someone could make a working (physics-wise) and good looking(graphics-wise).

I think this is only the first Part of a HighPoly Actor Setup, with LowPoly bounding RagDoll. Im not sure how to explain, but let me try:

1: The RagDoll in the current State builds the Basic Physics.
2: The Bones of an Armature are following the Limbs of the RagDoll
3: A Mesh is following the Armature as we already do.

For a RagDoll, a Basic Box Modell is absolutely sufficient. Im sure, “big” commercial Projects didn’t do that much different.

The Problem i see is: Who is leading? Armature or RagDoll. If Player is alive, the Boxes should follow the Armature, to count Hits and Damage. On Player Death or Hurt, the RagDoll needs to take the Lead. I don’t know whats the correct Technic to solve that.

It could also be, that im talking absolutely Nonsense. :smiley:

actually, ive been trying to come up with different ways of my own to fake ragdoll simulation but mine dont seem to work…

What if you took and armature and split it up bone by bone then apply bullet physics to each one seperately
(Ive tried this many times but I thinnk im just doing it worng) maybe one of you guys will have better luck

*BTW, I think magic man’s idea might actually work…ill ty that one

a mesh won’t allow more than one parent(i think). That’s why your idea won’t work, chuzzy.

What would be awesome would be if we could select an armature and just press the ‘enable ragdoll’ button.

Clone dadd, you’re right. Only one parent per mesh which is why I suggested modeling each part seperately. The technique of modeling each part seperatly is usually used to avoid deformation but can be easily used here for ragdoll.
I hope that sometime in the future, ragdoll will be just a click away.

I hope so too:

OK I give up what is p2p constraints. This is a new term in connection with blender for me

p2p = point-to-point, keeps a point on a object from moving away from a second point in the game world

I don’t now anything about them except what the term means.

sadly clone_dadd, you are right for my tries have brought nothing but failure…I love that ragdoll fantasy picture though(I gives me hope yet)