Ragdolls & fun with motion controllers

I increase the size of the tanga and increase the details to make it more natural, here i think that you can make the hair move and the “tanga” to move, this is all i can do for now, i ll have to sculpt it aswell, so if you agree with it tell me and i ll start to making the hd version to create the normal maps.

The faked IK or wathever it should be called follows from the ragdoll constraints. If you move the foot up the leg will follow etc. For ground checking I actually have a script that casts several rays to see where the floor is going and if there is space for the foot.

I just started on a document to try and explain the basics behind the system but that will take a week or a month to finish.

And my fencing game actually already uses this system :D, I started with ragdolls because I wanted direct in-game control over the sword position and also accurate collision detection for blocking an attack.

Yeah! I think the tanga will swing along nicely. I might add a shawl but that is best as a separate object also for skinning purposes. And if you like it I also had an idea for an amulet swinging from the neck :eyebrowlift:. Bracelets sliding along the arms would also do nice but it is not really the model for it.

Do you have a screen from the backside? And how do the proportions line up with my ragdoll? For good skinning it is important that the joints line up well.

And for my standards the model detail is alread quite “HD” :D. Maybe I should first try if the skinning works well before you spend a lot of time on the texture.

it works fine for me, it have about 10000 polygons that isnt is a big number of polygons, HD models have at least 2.000.000 polygons, I didnt know that the character should be just like your character, my model is pretty proportional, but its more close to cartoon look than of a real person.
I can model something for the neck and for the wrists, this ll be quick, but I cant make a whole character, I ll let the character to download here, take a look and see if you think that is usefull then i ll finish it if you want .

Made a quick update, I won’t be able to get much further untill the end of the week so it is just an impression of how it will be put together. For the legs and tanga I already adjusted the ragdoll to fit the model. It was actually not that much work :D, as long as I don’t have to change the length of the limbs (as that really messes up the tuning).

I started skinning but at the moment it only gives an impression of the tanga, which swings nicely. I must say it is not a model for easy skinning :no: (multiple segments over each other and close together, mirror modifier not working because of broken symmetry in the hair …). Any tips for this???

Blend at “paste all” (without the spacebar): http://www.********.org/blend/3662

I juat saw the project, only on leg is working for now and the tanga right? but i think that it ll work out good wen you finish it.
well i ll make the collar and something for thr wrist, and i ll texturize it to make it look more atractive.
just wait a little i ll have to unmess my house, hehe

I reshape somethings on the model to make it eaier to animate, that way it ll look mutch better, and i finish the uv an the base textures, I ll try to finish it today, them i ll send it to you via e mail or something, send me a PM with your e mail please.

Woot! It works for me again! :smiley: It’s totally badass! Imagines creatures walking like this in a game

Here is Leonnn’s character, rigged and skinned to the ragdoll :D: http://www.********.org/blend/3713 (“paste all” without space)


Great to hear this, let’s keep it stays this way!!!

@Leonnn, thanks again for the model, it looks great. And do you have a name for her?

PS: turn on GLSL for better graphics

When i made the model, it was sopesed to be joan d`arc, you can name her the way that you want, ehehe.
Wraaah, can you made a tutorial or something telling us how to use it as a regular ragdoll system? i dont understand how to use it exactly, i have no exeperience on this.

Cool model, I think the hair could do with a few more verts to deform a bit smoother, but she looks good.

Drunken walking! :eyebrowlift2:

Wow, this is what i dreamed to have,

Since i’m very very unexperienced with blender and develop in general…can you tell me how i can add some move to your ragdoll ? i try to follow the script…but i’m not so good to understand…can you tell me some guidelines, where i’ve to start to make something ? this is only for my learning things…


This is just too frigging awesome! It’s legendary! XD
Is there a variable for step distance? I want to make it run XD

:D:D, I should have guessed something like that from all the crosses :stuck_out_tongue:

I started with something already, don’t know when I can finish it. I put in a lot of details into the system so it is quite a lot to explain…

I think the tuning of the model can improve if both the mesh and the ragdoll rigging are tuned to each other. I did not want to overcomplicate the ragdoll.

Technically she is probably not drunk as she can stil walk a strait line :evilgrin::evilgrin:, added some damping to fix the worst of it.

Animating the ragdoll requires a pyhton script to move the controlling objects. If you want to do something with this system I suggest you start with some simple programming tutorials. Trust me that understanding just a few lines of code makes a world of difference in building a game.

I added the basics of the ragdoll setup, I think it helps in understanding what is going on. The limbs will try to follow the objects (empties) starting with “Cont_” in their name. Just move these empties around and then run the game to see what happens. The controllers (the empties) can be moved in a script subsequentially to make an animation.

In the “Basics” set-up you can also play around with the properties in some of the objects. (Vmax, Fmax etc.) These determine how the objects follow the controllers.
Vmax: sets an upper limit to the velocity
Fmax: sets an upper limit to the force to apply
Vresponse: response speed, speed is proportional to the distance between object and controller
Vdamping: some damping, prevents overshooting the control targer (keep value between 0 and 1)
Vstrength: strength of the response
The properties Amax, Tmax, Aresponse, Adamping and Astrength refer to rotations instead of translations.

The step distance is already more or less a variable variable :slight_smile: (I change the stepsize when the ragdoll turns, walks up stairs or encounters ledges etc.). But the starting settings can be found from line 518 and onwards for the different movement modes in the Actions.py script. Running is more complicated as the second foot starts moving before the first hits the ground.


basics.blend (311 KB)

It has been a while but here is a new update:
-cleaned up the code + lots of comments added (hope that the programmers can now follow most of the script)
-Arm control, fill in the name of the object and the hands move toward it (can it be any simpler?), and you can also pick up objects or whatever :smiley:

.blend, see first post

I have gotten quite a few request for a tutorial so before starting off I would like to know what you all want in it (no point in writing down the wrong stuff ;))

And how useful are the comments provided in the scripts, how must is still a mystery? For example is not understanding the math (with all the vector and matrix operations)giving trouble?

I think the following items might be interesting:
Ragdoll basics
Basic ragdoll set-up (ragdoll suspended between control points)
Simple physics explanation required for stable and smooth animations (for example; Why I set the object centres at pivot points)
Ragdoll animations
Walk cycle principle
Hand control
How to use the set-up
Outlook/comments on special actions
Getting up

PS: I depends on what you all want to know how long it takes me so please don’t ask “explain everything”! :eyebrowlift:

The reason I would use this is just for the feet. :slight_smile: Why? Zelda Wind Waker has this exact thing, but I think it’s just on the feet or legs, the rest of the animation are pre-made.

So what I would like in the tutorial is just a simple explanation of your script and how you can get it to work for just the legs.

But that’s just me :slight_smile:

Good Job on the rag doll,

It certainly is possible to only use the feet part; you can combine normal bone animations with the ragdoll part and make the bones in the upper body children of the waist. I am planning to animate the fingers and face eventually in a similar hybrid way ;).
(And if IK-chains still work properly in-game you can also create variable steps without the ragdoll part by moving some control bones real-time, only ragdoll feet seem a bit overkill to me for a walk-cycle :D)

So I will try to explain the walk-cycle steps and floor checking in more detail. For the rest I didn’t hear that much so I will just check what was asked previously and make something up myself.

For the timing it will probably take ~around a month (at least) as I will work on the tutorial between other things. (Experimenting with the set-up is just so much more fun :evilgrin:: like rope-swinging)


That latest file with the commented code is sweet. You’ve done some seriously good work here, Wraah.:smiley:

I attempted to get it working in 2.55 but everything went a bit screwy. Not sure exactly why, but the angles are messed up. I had to convert a few radians to degrees to avoid error reports to the console so degrees/radians might be a part of the problem. There are no more errors though. I’m going to have to take a really close look at this and see if I can get it working in 2.55. It will be a good way to motivate me to find my way around your scripts. :wink:

It’s not really worth uploading except that the dude in the hat does a really funky dance in the background. lol :slight_smile:


Thanks :o

You also did a great job in converting it to 2.55, I think only some of the angles are mixed up. Apart from changing to radians they also messed up the directions of the angles or something in 2.55. So that’s some more work to get sorted out. This conversion will be very helpfull for me when I am going to update the code to 2.5x. The setup also shows that the rigid body joints are working in 2.55 after they are set up properly :smiley: ( just setting the limits in the Blender GUI still gives bugs :(…).

Also good to see the framerate back to 60 (at least in face texture mode ;)). This gives some good hope of supporting enough ragdoll characters for a simple fps.

Note: To get the armature script working in 2.5x you need to remove line 72. Think this was a minus sign correction for a bug in 2.49 (I never understood why it was necessary but it worked).

:eek: :RocknRoll:

http://i56.tinypic.com/s427gh.gifStart of my ‘footbalteam’, nice tric, isn’t it?