Rain Simulation

I’ve been trying to implement a rain simulation in Blender 2.56 (which I just downloaded earlier today). Soon I will render an animation to check the speed of the rain drops, but for now, here is a still image. Any comments or ideas are appreciated.

Note that due to the background color, the rain drops can be very difficult to see if you don’t look carefully.

More updates and changes on the way.



Major update and TERRIBLE news!

I saved my blend file frequently when I was working on it and the file shows up on my hard drive, but it is empty! This has never happened to me before.

I will have to start over from scratch. I am still deciding whether to try to replicate my previous scene or model a new one. Still, any critique on the above render is in order: I can use them to set up my next scene better.



is it made up of inflows or particles?

Are you trying to simulate a rain or to implement a rain simulation code in blender? Please post a link about that.

to GraphiX: My setup uses a particle emitter. I modeled and textured a raindrop and chose to render the particles as an object (the raindrop mesh). By the way, what are inflows? Is there another technique I am unaware of?

to kala_ndo: I am just trying to simulate rain. I did have some ideas a while ago for a rain simulation script, but I can´t do that until I learn more about programming python scripts for Blender, especially since until recently, the Blender API has been undergoing major changes.


Inflows are basically a source were a fluid in can influx from. Kind of like a tap with no pipes.