Rain streaks on window glass?

I saw this tutorial but i just cant seem to replicate it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RQtEzbY7ig

i used a different rain texture from poliigon, a displacement map which i plugged to roughness.

cant seem to make it work

What results are you getting? What specifically isn’t working? Some screenshots of what you have so far would be helpful :slight_smile:

so he got the streaks on the window. i get nothing. the window turns to something like frosted glass

Please add a screenshot showing what you have :slight_smile:

Or better yet the blend-file.

Things like “streaks on glass” might also be a good candidate for compositing. Get the basic shot done the way you like it, then focus (only …) on “the streaks” and composite them in. That way you’re not “re-rendering” the whole thing – only the streaks until you get them just right.

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@sundialsvc4 @joseph

i got this done. is it okay?