Random Actuator Script

Hey Everyone! I actually have three questions:

    • I’ve seen a random actuator script in the “bunny loader” demo file, and I was wondering if anyone’s made a better one, or if that is a good script.
    • How would I go about placing/adding an object at the mouse’s position in python? I’m not sure how to get the mouse’s position. (I am trying to create way-points)
    • Is there any way to remove the blender window bar at the start of a game?



  1. Do you mean, make the game full screen? In the render buttons is a drop-down panel called “Game Framing Settings”. In this is the setting for full screen as well as screen resolution etc.

Thanks Ammusionist.
That would work fine for an exe file, but is there anyway to do it in a .blend?

I don’t think so - not any more. there used to be a full screen button several versions back, but I think it was removed as it was a bit of a crash magnet.

You might be able to script something? Otherwise it’s just down to CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN to maximise the play window.

Well, thanks anyway Ammusionist!

I never looked over the “bunny loader” demo file, but I would just do the following for some random actuator action:

g = GameLogic
cont = g.getCurrentController()

# Call the actuators in bulk. So, when you have all your actuators connected to the
# python controller, "acts[0]" will call the first actuator from the top, and "acts[1]" the 
# second, and so on...
acts = cont.getActuators()

rand = int(g.getRandomFloat() * 5) # Six possibilities: 0,1,2,3,4,5

g.addActiveActuator(acts[rand], 1) #Activate based on random

    • How would I go about placing/adding an object at the mouse’s position in python? I’m not sure how to get the mouse’s position. (I am trying to create way-points)
      Hmm, I think you’re looking for the position in the “gamespace” that the mouse is over at the given moment.

Maybe something like:

from Rasterizer import showMouse

cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
marker = GameLogic.getCurrentScene().getObjectList()["OBmarker"]

mouse = cont.getSensor("mousesenname")

mpos = mouse.GetRayTarget() # Returns "mouse over ray" hit pos


Never actually tested that one, but it makes sense to me. Play around with it, see what you get.

    • Is there any way to remove the blender window bar at the start of a game?
      Not that I know of.

Social, that should be

mpos = mouse.GetRayTarget()

GetRaySource() doesn’t return the ray hit position. It records the ray casting “starting point.” Of course, I’ve never tried it either. I think this function could be useful for setting up custom cursors. I’m going to play around with it for a bit, and I’ll let you know what I come up with.

Yea, I rushed it. Thanks. -Fixed

This is awesome! I just threw together a new custom cursor script! It works so much more reliably than the old methods. Once I get a decent texture on the cursor, I’ll start a new thread with the .blend file.

You know, this is what I love about this forum.

Someone mentions something, someone else looks at it and makes something great, then more people contribute, and everyone benefits in the end.

The synergy is just awsome.

Looking forward to it blendenzo, and thanks again.

Hey Social
How would you get the number of actuators and use that as the random multiplier, so you can use the script on objects with different amounts of actuators?

Hey, an important note on that “GetRaySource()” function. The API Documentation show the “G” as a capital letter, but it is really lower case (which is standard for Blender Python functions). The real name for the function is “getRaySource()”. This is an important distinction since Python is case sensitive.

How would you get the number of actuators and use that as the random multiplier

Use “len” to get the length of any list:

iLength = len(acts) #<-- where "acts" is the list of actuators returned by getActuators()

Note that that’s the total number of items in the list, you’ll need to -1 to use it as an index etc.


Thanks everybody! That helps a whole lot. Aahh, the wonderful creativity, inspiration, and knowledge of these forums:)

Social: That is some good stuff, I’ll definitely play with that!!

blendenzo: I’m glad this thread inspired you to great things…or something like that!

The reason I wanted to get rid of the windows bar was that it screws with an upward movement of the mouse. However, as long as it’s good in an exe, it doesn’t matter that much.

Thanks again,


P.S. - These questions were for an up-coming RTS template. Following in Social’s footsteps? Just wait…:smiley: