Random Assortment Of Stuff

not too sure what else to call this:


original blender render, no post pro used.

VERY nice! I really like this type of artwork and it really brings out an artistic value in your render. I personally, don’t see any flaws HOWEVER, I would give this work a title to bring it to life. Simply saying it’s, a random assortment of stuff really belittles this and makes it seem like you don’t have enough pride in your work to name it. Or that you feel like people will make fun of you if you name it. Again…I LOVE IT! I would totally set that as my desktop background! ( I would do it now but I have my own works up there. : ) Great job mate!

…this is nice…i would love to see how you made it…:rolleyes:

“Random Assortment of Stuff”?!?
Oh, well, better than I could do;)
Nice image, definitely worthy of the hallowed David’s Random Multimedia, inc. desktop:D