Random colour using Animation nodes on Text object


As the title suggest I’m trying to create a node setup using Animation Nodes to create random colours on separated text object.

i have got close using the following node setup:

Unfortunately this only cycles the colour of one text character at a time. I want to have a word of 6-7 characters all with a random colour.

I could recreate the above node setup for each text part/object but I’m wondering if there is better way of doing it?


Is this what you want?

random_text_colors.blend (136 KB)

Thank you - That is very close to what I wanted.

Any idea how to change the speed the colours are animated? I guess it is tied to the “time info - frame” node.

how do I start it, I got it to change the colors of a word, but it does not animate changing colors as I go down the time line.