Random unwanted crease / edge in my object

(The lash/eyelid) It was a path to begin with I converted to mesh and then I noticed a random creasing on my object that wasn’t there to start with. I practically tried everything I could its too late to go back as well. I recalculated normals, applied all transforms, checked to see if it was my mirror modifier, checked for edge crease, merged by distance. nothing. When I go into edit mode I can see a huge face in my high poly object. Couldn’t delete it and couldn’t dissolve it.

That’s the result of an automatic triangulation of a N-Gon…

You need to add loops to the mesh, so that the triangulation only happens in smaller patches. (making it just with quads would be the best solution)

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I think it makes it deeper on my end, I tried to add a bunch of loops its more deep than anything it looks like my object was pushed back in the middle of it

another angle

Check the edge formation.
I can’t tell from the image, it seems to be the most basic cause of the problem.


if it was low poly I could’ve figured it out but im just lost now :cry:

I genuinely have no idea what I did

There are two ways.

  1. How to make new modeling because it’s a simple shape (see how to form the edges shown in the image)

※ Modifying the current modeling is difficult because it has too many edges.

  1. Using Remesh to Reset the Edge
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