Hello all,
I have a character miming along to a choir singing. (The mouth is essentially just a square plane with shape keys which change the vertical and horizontal size of the plane. The shape keys are driven by a bone which I can move left and right to control the mouth’s horizontal size and up and down to control the mouth’s vertical size. This is then keyframed and moved to the NLA editor. Simple.)
I now need to create a choir. This bit is also simple, duplicated the original character many times.
However, I would like to randomise the mouth movement just slightly so they don’t all move exactly in sequence with each other, but still look like they are singing the same song. Maybe move some keyframes forward 1 frame, some back 1 frame, make the mouth open a little wider sometimes, or a little less others.
Is there a way to do this? Perhaps a modifier on the bone, or the NLA action sequence.
Edit : here is an example blend