So I am sick of seeing max vs blender, the 3d cursor discussion, and is “Bmesh dead” types of threads so here is my rant…
Just stop it, it is annoying…does it matter if blender or max is better…not really…
the 3D cursor, just drop it already, if you don’t like it, ignore it…if you want to extend it, do so…jeeze.
Bmesh, let it go, when it is done it will be done, if it is never done, it will never have been worth arguing about so drop it…
if this thread offends anyone, it was possibly meant to offend you, and if you let stuff like this get to you, you DID deserve to be offended.
…I feel roughly 3% better for posting this.
good topic
Dude, if you stop having threads where people bitch about either new features or lack of progress on other features, then you might as well just shut down the forum completely.
The B-Mesh is dead thread served a purpose to illustrate problems with the development system on that point. Are you saying that nobody should be allowed to criticise Blender? So if it hasn’t turned up by Blender 2.8, then we should still just keep quiet and pretend that Blender is as good as Modo in that regard?
So if people new to Blender download Blender 3.0 and ask why they can’t render any of the Sintel scenes out, we just tell them “Oh it can, you are just not doing it right”?
Besides, if we can’t stand up and say that 3D Max is a wonderfully stable and robust software that never crashes, never corrupts files and is worth every penny of the trully horrific pricetag that Autoshaft charges for it, then what fun can we have?
I think that threads for Blender criticism should stay.
So you don’t agree that criticism is the best way to improve?
if you hate the threads so much here is an idea don’t read them
most of the blender users doesnt create anything but always needs new features
no, they need to talk about new features. If you notice, nobody actually seems to notice when one gets into trunk. Just for some to say that it will be included is enough. Hey, I bet that half the stuff on the wiki isn’t really there. They just said it was and the first one to notice that they just made it up gets a free licence for 3D Studio Max.
@ Justin Barret: for your heresy, later on tonight, you will be visited by three spirits. First will be the Spirit of Blender Past, followed by the Spirit of Blender Present. That will crash after loading the Yafaray render plug in, so pretty much right after will appear the Ghost of Blender’s Future.
Sometimes you have to just ignore people when they do things you don’t like. (For example, questions like, "Where can I get a free dragon mesh and rig? I need help with the texturing and I’m starting a MMRPG. Do you guys use 3D Studio Maya for Blender? And which light is the most natural?)
It’s more productive to move on and find something that interests you.
lol, this is great…no, I think crits are important…
I am just blowing off some steam, that is why I called it a rant, on the other hand…I DO find it annoying the comparisons for blender, and the constant re-opening of dead old topics…but go ahead and flame me away, I really do not mind, just as I was blowing off some steam feel free.
The B-Mesh is dead thread served a purpose to illustrate problems with the development system on that point.
To whom did this illustrate said problems to? Just curious.
Endi, I’ve missed you!
that is how they comes proffessional!
Oh, Mann, was für ein dämliches Forum das hier geworden ist. Dorftrottel Endi aka abc123 darf weiter trollen, wie er lustig ist und seine Scheisse absondern. Haha, he is so funny. Alles andere ist auch irgendwie abgerutscht, es macht einfach keinen Spass mehr hier nach neuen Dingen/Ideen/etc. zu schauen.
Das war es! Ich schmeiss Blender deshalb nicht hin, aber dieses Forum schmeiss ich hin. Jaja, ich pass schon auf dass die Tür mich nicht trifft auf dem Weg nach draussen.
the great blender firewall ! never criticise no progress, lets revert back to pre 2.5 stage and the 90s!
In some ways such threads actually do expose what needs to be improved in Blender and thus may have even lead to a patch or a commit to the Blender project as a result.
Other times they’re just a rant so the thread ends up trying to split people into camps arguing over whether or not there is merit to the way Blender does it compared to how Autodesk implements things in their software.
If you have a well reasoned and articulated argument to open the thread with, fine. If it’s just a rant and you’re looking for mudslinging, no.
Do not push what you dislike please …
yea i think on the whole, crit threads are a great thing.
If people are constantly posting about a certain topic and saying that something isnt right with it, then surely thats a good thing?
It shows that something is wrong and needs to be done to improve that feature, which can only improve Blender in the long run
This thread is funny because with regards of b-mesh for example that whole discussion has been held a month ago at least. The only reason that it has been kicked is because somebody saw some interesting commits… . I even searched for Bmesh/b-mesh death and didn’t find any recent post. If the TS would have bothered to check the dates (as I saw he posted in that particulary thread and I think spurs his "annoyance) he would see that.
the great blender firewall ! never criticise no progress, lets revert back to pre 2.5 stage and the 90s!
- New blender bug tracker -> “whaaaaa… great this will help development” (which is correct btw)
- Asking why there isn’t a bug tracker in another project -> “you are disrespectful! how can you ask such a question ! … " (really I have never ever in my live seen such drama with regards of a question that goes about such a fundamental thing”)
This sums it all up.
Comparison and criticism is something you will always have. Off course you can live in fairy land telling yourself that everything is nice and good, but in the end that kind of attitude will do Blender no good. What can you accomplish by putting your head in the sand, ignoring the interesting and good stuff that is available around us ? If I would believe some people everything is black and white. From the moment you criticize something you want it to be program X or Y.
The problem also with programs like Blender is that people have individualistic needs. It is not because for our forum professional the features that are available are enough for his kind of work, that this is the case for everybody. I find that a very narrow view. I like sculpting for example and I find sculptris superior (yeah cue the hate mail) against what is available in Blender. It is not that I’m demanding such feature in Blender but for the moment that you tell “oh I like how this works in program x” for some the sky is falling.
Can I bump my old threads which I complained about flaws in certain features, stating how they could be improved, was sworn at for doing so (along with the classic “I don’t know how the devs put up with you”) and then told there’s not point in fixing the errors on the grounds that it would all be a waste of time because B-Mesh would magically replace it all anyway?
I’m putting up with the bugs I complained about. Can I bump the threads?