I am setting up some Jump’n’Run Movement. The Player can, therefore, jump, of Course, and I have used a Ray to detect whether he has got Ground among his Feet or not. Now, I have come to the Conclusion that the Player shall only be able to walk in any Direction (Servo Control) when he touches Ground – so I applied the Ray not only to the Jump Brick Controller but also to the Controllers for the Movement. But then it occurs that even if the Player is still standing at a Ledge, where he might be about to fall down, the Ray does sense no Ground anymore, being casted next to the Ledge, which results in Suspension on any Movement at all. So I thought Radar and made the Ray Sensor a Radar Sensor instead, so that I would have some Sort of a »Ray that spreads out to the Range of both Feet«. But my Radar is not at all sensing anything. I also tried makin’ it sense a particular Property, but it still did not work. What could be the Issue of that?
Âgh, so simple! Silly me…
Thank you very much, HG1, you really helped me (probably most by calmly hinting to me being better of by Reading more Tutorials^^).
I suggest the usage of a collision sensor. It makes much more sense in this context and does exactly what you are aiming for.
Well, I would like to unse only one (invisible) Collision Mesh as well for the Ground as for the Walls, and if you jump toward a Wall, you shall not be able to walk just because you touch the Wall.
Well, maybe I will, in the End, have use one Mesh for the Floors and one for the Walls. That will give me more Control (Walljumps?) and maybe a Groundmesh can automatically be detected as a Ledge then.