
Hi i have seen some of the new radiosity test floating about and wanted to try it on some of my scenes, unforunatly, i cant get it to work, i am using Blender 2.28a which i think is the right realease. Please could someone go through step by step what i need to do.

Thanks in advance L13

No, the Render Radiosity will only be available in 2.29 or later.

Ah i c, oops, but i thought i saw other people who managed to use it?

Those other people probably compiled the current CVS :slight_smile:

Can you tell us where you saw the test renders? I would love to see them!

They are all over the place. Just try any thread that says radiosity on it.

go skim through these posts, or just download the latest BF-Blender CVS from the First post!:


good luck :wink: !!

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