Re: CGI Film project looking for help...

Hi guys.

I represent a a production group for a fan-made continuation of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Our intention: to continue the story as envisioned by the crew of the TV show. The project consists of 13 CGI episodes, each 30 minutes in length. We are in need of CGI modelers and renderers for a project of this scope. This is a long term commitment without pay, we are purely a volunteer organization. If you are a fan of the TV show, or you want to create something which has never been done before then we want YOU!

We know this is a massive enterprise. That’s why we have a complete organization of voice actors, writers, and an official website ( The team consists of 25 members right now and we’re expanding (our CGI staff numbers 6 individuals plus a collaborating CGI team, The Perla Group). We have already written two full episodes which are ready for production, and are currently finishing 4 more. We anticipate having all 13 episodes fully written in the next 6-8 months. We have departments already hard at work on voice recording and storyboarding.

We also have extensive preliminary work, from concept art to facial reconstructions. Please contact me if you wish to see them. As a volunteer project, this is very much “work at your own pace.” Everyone who’s already a part, myself included, has a full time job and we’re doing this in our spare time. If you wish to participate, all we ask is that you communicate regularly on our forums and keep us updated on progress.

We know this is going to take years to complete. And we’re seeing it through to the end. If you want to sign up, you can contact me here or go to the website (directions for how to join are available there).

Requirements: Experience with a modeling program. Falls under the “Duh!” category, well aware of that, but one can never be too careful

Location: From your home. We communicate via email, forum, and Skype.

Join today. You are the Resistance.

Just a quick update guys.

We’ve actually started voice recording for the first episode. Right now we’re in a “manufacture models” phase, since to save time and labor we’re reusing every model we can per episode. There’s been a few media updates on the website as well.

I’ll be posting updates through this thread here.

Hi guys. No I’m not trying to be really annoying here. Just another update for the movie project. We took a 2 week break for Christmas and we’re back at full speed. We’ve been joined by a couple of modelers who work on Star Trek fan projects, Dazzawalla and Ken Thomsen.

Just to wet your whistles, here’s an image of our HK VTOL done by a modeler of ours, Silard (he did this in about a week).

if i had way more time i would absolutly LOVE to join but i have school and watnot so i cant
but i cant wait for it to finsih good luck guys
Mr Blender

Well, like I said, it’s work at your own pace. We don’t have deadlines for making any models, writing, etc. The only requirement is that you participate on our private forums. That’s it, literally. So if you think you only have time to do one or two models, hey, come on over.

thanks i guess i will but dont expect anything soon and it wont be tron status either (obviously) :wink:

Like I said it’s work at your own pace. We’ve got 12 other CGI modelers (you would make 13), so no one is working alone here. Ideally we’d like a full CGI staff of 25-30 people.

The only thing we ask is active forum participation.

I liked the terminiator movies. My favourites is 1,2 & the one with Christian Bale.

I think “the rock” or Dwayne Johnson would have made a cool terminator.

Actually, that’s not a bad idea. We can use another actor’s likeness for a skinned endo.

This isn’t based on the movies, though. It’s from the TV show, which was better than T3 and T4. And has the mother of all cliffhanger endings. Something that we’re going to remedy.

Head on over to the website and check things out if you want.

There’s a few specific needs we have with the project.

  1. We need a character modeler. All our characters are humans or machines, many based off actors from the TV show so there are references. But we also have new characters who have no reference. We’re trying to make the faces match as close as possible to the real life actors, obviously, but we do need a help with facial reconstructions. We’re using existing body models from Daz3D as a basis for the actual body.

  2. Someone to convert Daz3D landscapes to Blender. One of our modelers, Ken Thomsen (website reference:, has a slate of existing landscapes and building models he’s letting us use, in addition to the free models available for a futuristic city from Daz3D. Thing is we need to modify all these to make them ruins (it’s The Future War after all), and we need them converted to Blender. So if you think you can do that for us, we’d be very glad to have you on the team.

  3. An animator. We already have 1 person recruited but with all the models and characters we’re going to need more people.

do you already have someone writing the music score? if not i would like to try writing a score for the project.

forget i asked the above question. i went to the website of the project and found you had someone else doing the music and sound design.

Actually while we have a music composer we’re still looking for a sound designer. Mr. Domino is in charge of it right now because he’s handling the voice work, but we don’t have anyone yet for that. Apologies for the misconception.

If you’re still interested, send a few samples of your work to [email protected] and I’ll pass them along.

alright then, i’ll email you some sound effect tracks as well as an experiment i did recently with Elephants dream (an alternative soundtrack). i may have to hand them one at a time (due to filesize) but hope fully you will recieve them.

I see that you don’t have many models done yet. If you still need some in a couple of months (I don’t dare saying an exact date) I can probably whip up some models for you, it would be fun (and a great portfolio asset) to have worked on a fan-movie.

The reason I can’t do it right now is because I’m busy with exams and other school projects (last year in school is pretty hectic, lol)
But once I am free (and probably unemployed) I would be happy to work on an actual movie ^^

NinthJake, we don’t have a lot of models that we’ve released publicly. There’s a few we’re not releasing, that and the site undergoes a monthly update (next one is scheduled for mid-February). In practice it’s 1 out of 3 models actually put up on the site. And we actually started modeling in December.

If you want in, please send your email address to [email protected] identifying yourself, then register on the forums (go to, click on “register” in the top left and fill things out). PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS BEFORE DOING THIS! We’ve had a bunch of spammers try to register recently so this is why we have to take that step.

As for work, it’s work at your own pace. So you can sign up with us, publicly stating you can’t make anything for a couple months, and that’s fine. In that case all we ask is you participate in the forums, critiquing the work that’s submitted. Those are the terms. If you like them, sign up.

this may help. in addition to the example sound effects, i will send my email address.

I would be willing to donate some time on my small render farm… Plus I’m really handy with scene compositing nodes if that would help.

Oh goodness, yes! We definitely need help with rendering and compositing. The story takes place in The Future War, so HK’s, masses of endos, battle scenes, etc are all a part of it. Please send an email to [email protected] identifying yourself (so I know it’s you) and go ahead and register at our forum.

We started modeling in December, though. It’s going to be some time before we have a scene ready for you to render.

OK, package sent…
LOL, I didn’t know registering on the forum would involve a pop quiz!