Real or not... (**NUDITY**)

Simple creation…
Makehuman + blender 3d + ivy generator
C&C Welcome…:wink:

Looks real to me…

Unreal! (and no modelling required!). Nice composition.

But there’s something strange about her shoulder.

fix the shoulder, grow the ivy to be a little more modest, add a touch of color and this could be gallery. Oh, and boobs that big would be painful.

C&C on what? There’s no real story or environment to speak of, the lighting is flat grey with AO, and–going from what you said–you didn’t actually make anything.

little and simple boobsters are best =)
I know this is great etc. but (I don’t know am I jealous or something, but) It would be a little unfair if this goes to gallery. You haven’t modelled anything(I’m not sure) because you have used two generators.
But on the other side, This kind of entirety needs good skills and it really looks great!
My vocabulary have too less words to describe art usually so don’t be confused : ]

I edited you thread title. Please note to others that there is nudity in the image. We have young ones and others that may find it offensive.

Thank you.


first I want to thank you the comment, and to forgive me if I offended the forum on modeling, therefore I found that the important one was the final image, I did not want to offend nobody. as he can see I was not worried about modeling, if I had some fear regarding this I would not speak as I created the final image…
I liked to see a great work made for you of modeling in the forum I to learn some thing here, but not meeting because?


if to find better please cancels the topic therefore confesses not to have read the rules to place an image of this type …

Thanks to that they had commented the essence of the image and not it modeling…:slight_smile:

Hi there,
I hope you’ll don’t mind if I comment some things:

I like the composition, but I find the image poor.There’s no colour, no background, simple ilumination and that shoulder thing. So even considering the essence of the image, I think it’s a bit far from being finished.

Anyways, keep up working :slight_smile:

Pepius, :slight_smile:

I appreciate it critical that
they are constructive, maybe to a scene behinde was well.

Thank you…

Her armpit is seriously deformed and her under-chin looks wrong (too short). If this is default Makehuman then there’s something wrong with the software. However, if you’ve put the arm down and moved the head, then you need to do some tweaking to fix the deformities.

Real? There’s little that would suggest it is real. As well as the points mentioned above, there’s no texture to the skin, the spec is too high, it’s grey and the shading and shaping of the nipples are not accurate. So, if you want to retain “Real or not?” as a title, you’ve got quite a bit of work to do.

:smiley: I was half expecting something photorealist…

Mmmmh… well it’s not.
Does it feel real? Mmmmh. No.
I like the idea and composition (though I agree the vine should be more modest…) but there is more than just importing a makehuman model, put a lamp and AO to make a nice stuff. :slight_smile:

First, the most obvious. The shoulder is really ugly. You might have weighed it yourself, and just so you know, shoulder happens to be a rigging nightmare. So I think it’s almost normal if you messed it up if it’s your first nude try…

Then even if you intend to make a B&W image and not put any color, I advise you to reproduce the textural aspect… In short, your skin is to plastic. Too much specularity…

I’m sorry… But all you did was use generators… Show me one thing in this image you modeled… Without a generator