Realistic ArchViz from Cycles to Eevee (with tips)

Animation Walkthrough in Eevee

Using the previously converted to Eevee from the main scene in cycles from Chocofur “Interior Visualization” course.

This is the cycles animation walkthrough:

With new Blender PCF shadows and the fix from Clement T68594 from soft shadows causing animation flickering and temporal anti-aliasing that I discover. It is now possible to have flicker free animation.

Main causes for flickering in animation are:

  1. Thin reflections or specular highlights. This can now be solve by increasing the rendering samples. In this scene the kitchen appliances reflections were constantly flickering. I increase the sampling to 1024. I also increase slightly the “Film->Filter Size” to 2.0. To soften the thin reflection and reduce flickering. Doing both changes fix this issue.

  2. Eevee screen space reflection. Best options is to use “Reflection Plane”. In this scene the kitchen counter was flickering due to screen space reflections. I added “Reflection Plane” to the kitchen counter to fix this issue.

The problem with increasing rendering samples is by doubling the samples it doubles the rendering time.

It is possible to run multiple instances of Blender with a different OpenGL device. In Windows 10 right click on “blender.exe” their should be a menu option “Render OpenGL on” a list of their different OpenGL devices appear. Just select different graphics device for each instance of Blender.

In this scene with two RTX 2070 one instance doing the odd frames the other doing the even frames. It reduce the animations times almost in half.

In this ArchiViz walkthrough it has 4 cut section of 4 seconds each at 30 fps. The first two section where render at 1024 samples due to reflection and screen space flickering. The last two sections render at 512 samples to smooth completely the soft shadows on the wall from the stairs.

This is the Eevee walkthrough. Download to play video at the highest quality. Make sure to play video at full size. If not video will be alias by the video player.