realistic bed cover?


I made a bed cover for my current project, an i would like to know what you think. How can i make it look more realistic? For this bed cover i just used a cube added some displacement modifiers and a subdivision surface. Then i used the sculpt mode. Do you know a better technique to make a bed cover? What about the materials, should i use textures?


actually theres a much better way to make a be cover…
here it is

Create a plane thats a little bigger than your bed
subdivide it six times
add a cloth modifier, tilt the plane a little to the side
add a collision modifier to the bed,
then bake the cloth simulation

you will now have a great bed cover!! ;D

Oh when its done baking, hit play and the cloth will “fall” on your bed

thanks for your reply (: but i d like to have some thickness for the cover how can i do that?

add a solidify modifier in the modifiers panel, this will add some uh i guess fatness to it?

yup just tested it, it works perfect, just add a solidify modifier and it will be fat, the higher the thinkness, the fatter it is

Thanks it worked :smiley:

haha mind posting a view of the bed? i wanna see how well it worked, because im about to do a traditional style japanese house render :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes her is a image of the bed. Sorry because i answered so late (:. But i actually didnt use the solidify modifier. I extrudet the bed cover manually and addet some self collision. You have to experiment a bit with these settings to get it work correctly.

looks good, good job ;D