Realistic Dragonfly

here´s a test of mine for a short film-project (just for fun), where we would like to use this dragonfly with animation. I would be pleased if I can get some feedback how to get more realistic. Thank you.


wow its looks quite realistic allready.only the green structure part in the left eye has some tiling,otherwise great work.maybe adding some iridescent colors to the transparent wings too,depents ofcourse wich kind you want to archive.

Hi. thanks for the response. I´ve added the details you mentioned and they really make it look more exciting. But there is still something missing to archive more realism (especially with the head texture/hair/material). Maybe someone can send me an advice, because I don´t know how to proceed.

nice to hear that the tips work.maybe you could post a reference foto, to see what are you looking for,because there are many dragonfly variations .
have you see this,its the new hairshader in the latesd builds.

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Very nice work! Are you using any SSS in your material setup? It really makes a difference the smaller the subject is. Insects exhibit obvious SSS in most reference photos I can find. Since the Body is hairy, you might get the most bang for your buck in the eye material. Suggested tweaks: make the eye cell texture smaller. It only shows up in the super close up photos.

Make the thorax hairier. perhaps add feathery hairs along with the bristly ones.

Make shiny: It looks like you may have toned down the gloss on the body or perhaps a bump map with high frequency details. Especially around the mouth. Crank that gloss all the way up, then balance the gloss with a subtle dust texture. Hard to tell with the one lighting setup.

thank you for the great responses and tips.
I will try it all after a longer break now :wink: But afterwards I will definitively finish the work.