realistic landscape

LANDSCAPE RENDERED 100% in blender.

here are the pics. (the cube is just a test for shadows to show you it is realy in blender)

terrain = 513x513x2 polygons =526,338 polygons

texture = 4000x4000 tga image = 16,000,000 pixels = 45 MB

.blend file =55 MB uncompressed =45 MB compressed

but if i change the texture to .jpg i can get the compressed file down to 12 MB


COOL!! Great landscape texturing.

very very nice, any tips any tutorials in the making on this

Please tell us how you did this. It’s excellent.

LANDSCAPE RENDERED 100% in blender.

aaaaa, info on where it was RENDERED, but where was it MADE? is this a terragen import perhaps? it could be made in blender but your post was suspicious :wink:

it looks very nice, i like the lighting and landscape but think the texture is too regular, or plain =\

i think this guy has hacked the hightmap from terragen and used it in is very easy though…if you have a window-capturing tool.i sometimes use this trick with the help of pic .

alltaken you allready know what I think for your landscape… :wink:

Excellent work… :smiley:


aaaaa, info on where it was RENDERED, but where was it MADE? is this a terragen import perhaps? it could be made in blender but your post was suspicious icon_wink.gif

i think this guy has hacked the hightmap from terragen and used it in is very easy though…if you have a window-capturing tool.i sometimes use this trick with the help of pic .

yes i am afraid the base landscape (and texture) was originally from terragen. (but the possiblitys for alteration are now almost infinate)

it took a while of working out how to do it (because terragen does not have a texture exporter)

export dxf (using terragen plugin)

export texture (a render from as vertical as possible with the highest zoom)
(no shadows, clouds etc…)

converted image to tga

imported mesh as dxf (removed doubles etc, added planes for acurate texturing)

final size 4000x4000 tga image.
513x513x2 polygon mesh(s) (about 5 meshes all up as blender has a maximum polygon limit for meshs)

i can now make great landscapes with terragen then – in blender cut away hillsides for roads, add tunnels, and general other tweeking of polygon.

in Gimp or somthing - add corresponding roads -edit texture as an image to add burnt ground patches after explosions etc…

together with the easy animating and improved rendering speed of BLENDER this is overall better than TER2BLEND. (which i did not use once)

i will do some edited ones with roads etc.

you can see my early attepts at the first two are real terragen while the rest are rendered in blender

if you want the exact details of the process i went through to do this then PM me.

thanks for the comments!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

p.s. render times for landscapes are a few seconds in blender rather than minutes or more in terragen. (texture took 1.30 hours to render)

BTW… for linux users there’s also the well known program terraform!!!

And I think there’s no need to use some strange techniques, or Python scripts to import the landscape into Blender…

I think terraform, can export to .VRML which then can be directly imported to Blender… :wink:


by the way, any windows users wanting to make some really great landscape height maps, search for a program called WorldMachine … i can’t remember the URL, but it’s linked to from the terragen website … you can also find excellent plugins and tuturials regarding exporting to blender and integrating models etc.

that program, world machine, looks a little odd to start with, but it comes with samples to get you started on adding errosion (wind, water, and fluvial - rivers), making terraced landscapes and overall getting extremely realistic landscapes.

i use this program all the time for my terragen landscapes.

enjoy :slight_smile:

World Machine

looks pretty good, some of the gallery images are really cool looking

Yes, that looks great!

The quality is acceptable, I wouldn’t exactly call it realistic. The terragen images still look better, I think.

You should tap “set smooth” for the meshes, you can see the polys in the foreground.

I agree terragen renders better, but then it has volumetric lighting and the ability to do good shadows without hours of painful tweaking. But, this way is far, far faster (ESPECIALLY if you want motion blur !). Plus, as alltaken says, you can dig holes in meshes. It’s also just plain easier to co-ordinate the movement of the camera and objects in a single program. On the other hand, terragen does extremely good (albeit static) water complete with reflections (but lousy anti-analising!).

World Machine is a good program, but for realism, you can’t beat real terrain files. Lots of ready-converted .ter files (for us more lazy types) available at or you can get DEM files for the whole US free of charge.

My problem is with Ter2Blend. Says it needs Python 2.0, I can’t find the original 2.0 - and 2.1 and 2.2 tell me they’re incompatible. Is someone ever gonna update that ? Python 2.3 is out already. :frowning:

yes i used to have some posted but deleted them off the website as they were effective repeats of this one.

set smooth makes the rocks a wee bit too smooth for a canyon

oh well!!!

any render from this can be done a few seconds rather than the 10 minutes or so required for a terragen render.

but yes terragen renders better!!! (i personaly don’t like terragens atmosphere effects with blue)