Realistic male head

Hi guys.
I am working on creating a realistic human head. I am still quite new to Blender and I am learning as I go along.
I would really appriciate some feedback on this So that I know what I can do better/remake.
I am using the SSS skin tutorial found in the newest issue of Blender art magazine and I am having a litte problem making the speculars stand out!? Any suggestions on that would be nice.
(Oh, I just saw he was missing a bit of hair by the ear, that’s not how it is supposed to be)


Wow, very good :slight_smile: But, the face is a little stretched no ?

is it the texture or the shape of the head that’s stretched? Horisontal or verical. I worked so much with whis that I gone blind on it. :slight_smile:

Could you post front and side views? The viewing angle in your current render makes it difficult to judge proportions.

His shoulders look a little too narrow, I mean the should be broader.

Yeah the shoulders should be broader. they are way to small.
Kinda forgot that area with all the stuff in the face going on.
Im posting a side and front view if that helps you a bit more.


This is the newest version.
I have made the shoulders bigger, remade the eyebrows, worked on the glasses, tweked the iris, remade the ears somewhat… Oh and the hair.


Can we see the eyes :slight_smile:

I have been working on the SSS skin with Pixelvore for about a couple months now. I would have to see your node set up and sss materials to tell what you have done. I think it may be the scale of the SSS or the radius may be off.

You can find all sorts of info on the shader in these two threads. They take a lot of reading but are well worth the effort.

Pixelvores thread: Skin with multi layered sss

My thread: Realistic Skin builds upon the original thread.

Thanks for the thread links, I have taken peices from it here and there before (pixelwhore thread) but I will sit down and read it properly, I gotten a few pages and it is informative.
I am quite busy at work right now so I haven’t got any real time with Blender resently but I have done some minor work. Right now I am working on the bumpmap, trying to get some realstic wrinkles and texture in it.
Here you all have a render with the eyes showing. Please feel free to give som criticism, not only on the skin but on the modeling aspect also. I’m in need.


add more hair to his head…he looks like he has some bald spots…well more like its thinning out…same with the eye brows. it also could be just me…but the ears seem to small…? i think its just me…
good job keep going!!! =P

One thing that I have learned from drawing is that there is one eye width in between the eyes. Yours seem a bit to small and to far apart.

Okey I have done some big changes. (I think so at least.)

  • I have made the eyes bigger and moved them closer togheter.
  • Fixed bugs on the eye texture.
  • Worked on the skin texture and remade the bumpmap.
  • Better lips, made them more “lippy”.
  • Changed position and shape of the nose.
  • Remade the hair and eyelasches. Improved eyebrows and beard.
  • Made better ears.
  • Remade the shape and volume of the head.
  • Defined the body better.I am still not happy with the glasses. The reflection looks weird, The current skintone will be changed to less white and more skin. The hair is hard to get just right, it’s slightly off somehow.
    As always you feedback is greatly appriciated. Like the things with the eyes being to far appart. (thanks Jimtuv). I would never have seen it myself but as soon as you said it I knew it was true.


I think part of the problem with the glasses is that the specular reflection is to fussy like the material is soft. You could kick up the hardness a bit but I more suspect you are using a Gauss filter. Try switching to something like Mitch or CatRom. They handle sharp speculars better. Another idea would be to add a HDRI probe.

I think you have the sss scale wrong for your skin. The scale and radius are the hardest to master. There is a bit too much Back-sss showing up. I can’t quiet tell about the textures. Just make sure they are on a separate layer Unscatterd-diffuse or the subsurface scattering will make them look like crud. I have trouble getting the skin working well also it’s very complex and takes a lot of tweaking.

Hair is a pain in the keaster. I have played with it a lot if you want check out my thread and see if it has something of use to you in it.

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow.

If you page to the end of the Realistic Skin thread you will see that Pixelvore and I are working on adding the fine hair to the skin to add realism.

I have spent allot of time tweeking and redoing, making maps and so forth.
But finaly I think I got a skin shader that is close to complete. (The white dots on his forehead are going to be taken away).
After this I hafto try to make some realistic eyes. Get the glasses to work, make sure that I am done with the modelling, keep working on eyebrows and eyelashes. possibly make teeth. Maybee I will work a bit more on the normal map.
But I know that nothing is done until it’s done so I am prepared to redo the whole thing if I get a good enough reason to.
All you feedback is important to me, it helps to get the erros pointed out because it help me keeping this going to the next level of realism.


Every time I see this it gets better. You are definitely on the right track. If you need help with the eyes give me a yell. They are fun to make. Is this someone you know? Are you working off a reference?

Thanks Jimtuv.
No I am making i whitout a reference, If I wonder how lips look I search the internet. But my friend tell me it is starting to look more and more like me…
Eyes are quite fun. If I get stuck I give you a yell :slight_smile:
Oh , and you said it keept getting better, I thought I should post a picture of how the modell loked the first time I thought It was finished. Then I was accuallt happy with the results:eyebrowlift2:


Good thing you kept going…lol.

Wow you really have come a long way! I find myself doing the same thing either finishing something and then coming back to it when I learn new techniques and making it better or just down right starting a project completely over from scratch. It always seems to get better each time I do that.

Every artist puts a little of himself or herself into what they do. It is no surprise that it is starting to look like you. Even Leonardo De Vinci used himself as a guide for the Mona Lisa

I am not sure I gave you this or not but I found a great set of Human reference cards that give all the size comparisons here is the thread if I forgot.

Porportions Chart

Subdivision modeling has some great stuff on it. I have learned a huge amount from them.

Okey. I know it started out as a desire for a realistic male head. But… When I looked at it i saw it was reallt boring, nothing interesting at all, just a head.
I tried to make it a cyborg, kinda… But I ended up just putting a mask on him. Right now I am trying to get a good lightning on him.
I think I am staring to get finished with this, but please crit is welcome.
