Realistic render in 3dsmax (rendered in V-Ray)

Too hard to distinguish by me!
3ds max. Rendered with V-ray. I hope it doesn’t mean 3dsMAX is over blender :frowning:
I just haven’t seen a render so photorealistic as this one (although very close yes) made in Blender.
I just can’t notice anything except in the carpet.
Taken from (wikipedia)

Well, it is nice but there are companies out there that just do nothing but renderers. If you have the budget you can have the nicer looking render.

There have been a lot of rendering packages that just never really went anywhere. Pixie has looked really cool in the past but I don’t know, it has gotten better.

I think eventually everyone will wind up in the same place given enough man power, time and white papers – in regards to renders. Shaders are really your only flexibility here.

You can have the same with indigo, I think

Yea, good integration with a nice renderer is definitely top priority for things Blender should get (in my humble opinion). The BI just doesn’t cut it, and Indigo and LuxRender aren’t at the ease of use or speed that V-ray, PRman, Mental Ray, etc enjoy. Of course they are all developed independently with nice big budgets, but just some improvements on the BI would always be nice.

VRay and Max is the standard for architectural rendering. VRay is particularly good with interiors. What you don’t see on these renders is how efficiently VRay does the job, ie: how quickly it actually renders it.
However, with architectural exteriors, VRay is less impressive. Its hdri abbilities are a bit too limmited imo.

You seems to have missed a step somewhere in there, buddy.

This was rendered with Vray.

Vray is used to render.

This was made with 3ds Max.

3ds Max is used to model.

So how does one base the quality of a modeling package on the quality of a rendering package?

Think about it;)

Well – that’s not exactly a great example. I can see so many signs that this is CGI it’s untrue.

And like others said Vray is a rendering engine, it is not 3d studio max. So can blender compete? You tell me:

Those are just a few of the many examples that can be found on this site.

I’d gotta spend some more time looking at the renders pages…

Meh, with a good modeler and lighter and an all around blender whiz, like his max counterpart in this photo, and also with amazing time on his hands to render with indigo, blender could be every good at this, even better (we can fix the carpet!;))

well, it’s a nice render, but it seems obvious to me it’s CGI - it has that grainy not quite full quality GI look to me.

luxrender can render that quality of image

Well for one dead giveaway, everything is squeeky clean! Almost to a disturbing Kubrick point. It’s nice for what it is, but photoreal? Don’t think so.