Really annoying error (Really annoying!!)

Ok, so those of you who saw how late my entry was for BWGMC will know now why it was so.
I made a simple ray shooting system a while back, and all worked fine. However, for this game i realised i just could not shoot anything! At first there was an alignment glitch which meant i wasn’t actually shooting anything! But now, i’ve narrowed it down to this:

For some reason only a part of the object that i shoot is detected!
I’ve tried applying scale, and changing physics settings to no avail :confused:

You can see what is being detected because i’m adding some cones with physics to the plane and they’re a huge fuzz of yellow!

This is not a trunk release, so there could be hidden errors.
Many thanks.

The yellow lines are the normals of the triangle faces of the physics mesh.

What I do in such situations, is to add an dummy object (e.g. a little sphere) without collisions.
Then apply logic to constantly move this dummy to the ray.hitPosition.

With that it is possible to see that the ray detects.
When you switch-on wireframe you might see if the dummy is behind another object.

I hope it helps

I have done just that!
I beleive it’s a build error, as it works fine in the latest release!