Really cool ragdoll

I made this cool ragdoll game off of the FPS template that comes with the 2.43 physics demos. The controls are shown in the game. I will post some pics in a few…
.blend: (copy and paste to browser)
The antigravity takes a few tries before it toggles on or off. Try shooting the head while it’s on the ground…

Pretty nice. Sometimes the toggles for some of the features doesn’t work.

I cant figure out a way to fix that. Anybody know?

I’ll probably download your file tomorrow (when I’m on a faster connection) but my best guess is that you’re using some complicated system to do your toggles, probably some sort of infinite loop. What you need to do is add a Bool property, and the property actuator should assign to it the value !yourproperty , in other words, an exclamation mark followed by the name of your property. It’s that simple.

no infinite loop, just a 2 keyboard and a property sensor.

It doesn’t work for me; when the ragdoll falls he just splits into pieces rather than sticking together.Is something wrong with my python setup?:eek:

you have to use v. 2.43