Really weird bug???

I’m working on this object in edit mode, exit to object mode to work on another object. Then when I come back to this first object in edit mode I can’t visually move anything! I can scale and move things but I wont see any visual difference until I exit out to object mode OR if I duplicate or extrude something. When I go back into edit mode the visual changes have updated but I can’t visually move anything as before.

I said that the visual would update if I duplicate or extrude something in edit mode, which is true, but it also makes it possible to move or scale anything (as normal) for as long as this duplicate or extrusion is still there, if I delete it I get back to the same problem…

This only applies to one object in my scene but it doesn’t really seem like a feature… I have never encountered anything alike, help please.

I see no blend file for us to look at !

Isolated the problem:

My bad. :wink:

This object was created using blender 2.76 rc 3, I now have upgraded to 2.76b but the “bug” is still there. Could the mesh be corrupt in some way? Could be some feature that makes it like this, but I doubt that.

you have a shape key on this cube !

which is probably interfering somehow !

remove it and it works fine !

happy bl

Oh, seems like it got stuck in some way. I forgot to remove it when I removed some other shape keys, all I have to do to get it to work is left-click it once so that this one-line menu below pops up. Weird, but thanks a ton! :slight_smile: