Hi all, for an animation project, i haved transpose the Sean O’ Neil atm shader, this is my first result for now.
opengl render:
This is incredible work! I’m gonna follow this thread to see if and how this develops.
I also see a dirty lens effect in there that looks cool too. That’s neat.
Whaaaa…? What magic is this? So cool, I love it. Will you consider publishing this as a blendswap?
This is cool! I like how you can go right into the atmosphere to get a low orbit space view. The sun looks really good too.
WOW, that is amazing work! Nicely done!
I looked up Sean O’ Neil’s shader, and I quickly found this: http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter16.html
It looks like it is only for planetary and horizon situations, but it is still very impressive.
Very impressive results and the way you can go through the atmosphere is really stunning.