Realtime engine tutorials

Yeah, S_W made it work fine. The only problem i had was that it launched another and another copy of the screensaver file every 5 minutes.


I gave an .exe a .src extension then put it in the sys32 folder. This worked, but you had to press esc to get out.

I found on google a website where someone tried to make from runtime a screensaver, here’s the url of the site:
I didn’t try it because I have to work all the day on Europatuin (where they sell plants, garden decoration, I work there just as holiday worker or however you call it in English) :smiley: Hee !!! new smileys :Z ???

Mmmhhh I tried to turn runtime into a screensaver just chance extension into .scr and set in system folder and it works. But now back to my my game, How can I make a texture transparant like a texture for fire or beam lights. I tried tga in photoshop but I couldn’t set a alpa channel. So what do I have to do???