realtime parenting

is there anyway python, logic or any other method that would allow to connect to each other and seperate in realtime. i know the way to fake this effect is to use replace mesh on whatever it is you want to stick to. but i want a character to enter vehicles . It’d also be useful for sports games like basketball or football. I did manage to make a setup for a football game but it was extremley difficult for the ball to know when it should be dynamic and when it shouldn’t.

A fancy script would be sooo useful for a many number of things please make one NOW! :smiley:

What a coincidence, i just looked at a previwe for a video game that involves something like that, where you roll something around (not sure what the starting object is…) and you collect things as you roll over them, lawn chairs, basket balls, etc… looks interesting…

heres the page with the review

and ill show two pics so people dont have to go…:

haha no matter, i have a script for a radar that copies the position of an object. So all you have to do is put an empty in the seat of the car and when you press a button it activates the script. you’d have to figure something out for an animation for getting in but it should work.

Oh but one thing its a setpos script what do I have to type to get it to copy rotation.

GetPos script: own=GameLogic.getCurrentcontroller().getOwner()


SetPos script: if hasattr(GameLogic, "playerPos"):

I dont know python so explain slowly please :smiley: