Realtime Rendering


ok enough people dont know this but if you go to your tool bar window to the far right near the layer tools you will see 3 icons a padlock , a magnet and a picture icon if you click on the last icon the picture icon it allows you to save bge images in real time “please read the tooltip” pressing ctrl+click allows you to render bge animations
but there are some limitations

see some of my ramblings (because i can and i,m full of crap sometimes useful )
Realtime Rendering
real time rendering proves to be very useful to some people especially to me it helps in rapid prototyping
and helps create quick renderings ,
i wonder why there is no concentration on developing or allowing bge to save quick renderings but
as for now a script only allows you to save bitmaps ,it Continuously takes screen shots and writes alot of images to your harddisk as long as blenders bge is running

SO we should really push for better ways or methods for allowing real time renderings to be saved through blender in other formats just like the blender internal render does
so it is my request that we find a method of saving real time renders from bge
as it would tremendously help most artists who need low quality renderings quickly

import Rasterizer as r
if o.frames > 0:
r.makeScreenshot(“framo#”) #CAREFUL!
o.frames -= 1
ASAP :yes: a really useful function

I’ve been wanting this too, thanks for reminding me, now it’s on blenderstorm:

I agree, this is a MUST HAVE.

This is the future anyway.

Hypershot - HDRI based progressive refinement
VRay RT - Very fast progressive refinement (complete scene setup)

Alias Showcase - Ultra fast also ultra expensive 10k one license.

But I think we are already very close
We already have ::

  • all diffuse shader
  • all specular shaders
  • Only UV textures currently
  • and most lamps are supported
  • Only buffered shadow (but that is I think enough for shadow setup)

what would be great is ::

  • realtime AO (preferred with HDRI)
  • support of other mapping modes

…in terms of save formats/frame sizes you can “ctrl click” the render button in the 3d viewport to get a gl render of your frame range to wherever you set your animation output path to… so in Apricot you get all the shadowing and gl goodness!

realtime ambient occlusion isn’t that interesting as it’s easy to bake and is just a function of geometry layout so only changes if the geometry changes… minor changes you get away with…IMHO

on the other hand…I just saw a demo of realtime radiosity from the guys at geomerics (their enlighten product)… their product does a preprocessing step offline on your geometry, which once done allows realtime control of radiosity… chnage your texture colour in realtime and see the bounce light change, add extra lights etc etc… very nice!

here’s a link for those interested~:

Would realtime AO be practical for the BGE now, as far as I know it could end up choking even high end GPU’s and thus most people wouldn’t be able to play such a game unless it’s heavily optimized.

Maybe a possibility, if you can get it to run at decent speeds on a wide enough range of cards.

realtime AO would be a important part because when you bake it you cannot
change the scene or model. …

That is the point of RT AO

People complaining about ‘bottlenecks’?? We are talking about rendering in a few seconds! If it is not quite real-time, I’m not bothered, I’ll happily wait a full 2 seconds for my lovely Open GL render :D. It may not work for the game engine as a game, but it will be storming for animations and general rendering.
Game people are adaptable and will/can optimize thier creations to run fast on the target hardware if they are using the game engine for actual games. For everyone else who just wants FAST renders, please put the tools in to do the job.
Does anyone have any fixes for the game engine and Apricot builds in general not working on Nvidia 8000 series graphics cards on Windows XP? One of the original builds worked fine, but modern ones do nothing :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :(. I’m doing some models for JHeretic and JDoom and not having the Apricot goodness is really hurting.

Well if you mean purpose for something other then games using the BGE then why not add all of Blender’s rendering features in. That’d be for quick preview renders and previews of animations though.

I thought this discussion was about the viewport rendering.
Since ist’s also “realtime”.
Realtime AO would make sense there, not in the GE.

here is some fine cinematic real-time rendering with new ati card HD4800 series ( 1-tera flop power )

this is present :slight_smile:

Crysis is a more practcal example of real time rendering. Many people don’t realize but if u increase Crysis resolution to say 3000 x whatever it becomes dam near photorealistic - and it occurs on a larger scale than those tech demos and it also qualifies as more of a simulation than a cinematic.

this is not high resolution this is game resolution also notice the realtime AO and SSS: