It uses VideoTexture.Texture and the textures source is set to a VideoTexture.ImageBuff. A brush (a simple bytearray in this case) is then plotted into the ImageBuff at a specified UV location (which is taken from the mouse sensors hitUV in this case).
I will elaborate this more in the comming week (kinda got eraser and layers working now). Plotting images instead of bytearrays for dynamic damage also comes to my mind.
Hope this is useful and the starting point of some more documentation on this powerful feature. And thax again Benoit!
very cool! i have been looking for this for a very long time. however, if you duplicate the object, you’ll paint on both at the same time. this is rather unusefull if you have many generic object. is there a possible work around for this?
Water "splashes, a color texture on top of the normal map.
a bouncing ball, darken and fade areas that come into contact with floor (just for fun)
Blood on a sword?
Blood on walls? (get a ray from a FPS gun, then expand the hit UV list by a factor in a radius
also, I did not change anything from the file 2d23d included, I simply pressed P and started drawing, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem to other users except for me