maintanance wil be down periodically for the next few days while I perform some upgrades and the such. FTP will not work for a little while, but don’t worry. I lost most of the members’ email addresses, so this is why I’m starting a thread about it. Thank you for your cooperation!


No worries Matt, thanks for the warning.

And a huge thankyou for :smiley:


Thanx from me too :slight_smile:


Thanks for the heads up!


Okay, all users please email me your passwords or your ftp account will not work. I lost all email sent in a mailserver crash and now I have usernames, but no passwords! Just forwarding me the confirmation I initially gave you would be excellent. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will try to post this on the main page of the site.

Matt [email protected]

Never mind, I pulled out some logs and am able to recover everything. I really need to keep a better filesystem. The work is still ongoing, so hang in there.

Hi shibby,

FTP still isn’t working for me, got any idea when it’ll be sorted? I need to upload and show some files to Timothy for the Elysiun Gallery…
